Minggu, 07 April 2019

The Present Tense

Nama : Fachrul Reza
Kelas : 4ka29
Npm: 12115332

The simple present tense
1.         We don’t go to work every Sunday
2.         My father is a manager in a big company
3.         Sinta doesn’t like eating spicy food
4.         Does she read novel every morning?
5.         Roby and Rony don’t like playing futsal

The present continuous tense
1.         We are baking some bread
2.         He is writing a novel
3.         Are you eating my chocolate?
4.         Are they watching soccer at the moment?
5.         I am not smoking

The present perfect tense
1.         We have been to Singapore
2.         My father has broken his leg
3.         My sister has not started a new business
4.         Who has gone to the bookstore?
5.         Have you forgotten your lunch box?

The Present perfect continuous tense
1.         I have been boiling the water maybe if you want to make a hot coffee
2.         He has been feeling cold because it is snowy day here
3.         The doctor has not been examining the patients in the front line
4.         Has it been waiting for its master for a year?
5.         Have I been sweeping the floor from dirt?